The year is almost over, the last presents have been bought and now I can relax a bit and give a small, first winter update and tell you more about my look with leather pants and coat later.
A lot has really changed for me, on my pages and also on YouTube and I’ve already been able to introduce you to a few things – many more things will follow in the coming weeks – or “next year”.
Many of you have requested that the popular section from the past – “Weekly Review – or Vanessa’s Week” should come back, whether as a weekly video or as a blog post and I would also like to reintroduce it. Maybe not directly weekly, but certainly several times a month again.
There’s just too much going on and there are currently too many networks and areas to keep track of. So here’s a short summary and more about my look later.

After Threads was successfully launched some time ago as a Twitter/X offshoot outside the European Union, it was also launched in the EU a few days ago and I also have my account there at vanessa.pur (you can find all other networks under “Links“) – the first impression really reminds me a little of the Twitter of 2015, which was a nice network back then.

My updates will also be sent more frequently and much easier for you via WhatsApp directly to your smartphone in the future – so I can easily share personal moments that aren’t suitable for a blog post or video. Click here for my WhatsApp channel:

I’ve finally managed to upload regular videos to YouTube channel again and I’m glad you like the style…
High Heels Try On with Jimmy Choo 100
How to pimp up a black evening dress a bit
So Kate high heels 120mm vs Kate 100mm high heels in zebra look
there were also some reviews and a few special moments on the YouTube channel…
Calendar 2024
I signed a lot of calendars for you again before Christmas and am simply speechless about the feedback. Thank you so much for all the reactions from you… and I think it’s only a matter of a few days and then this calendar will probably be sold out…
Miss Pur Page
After the great start and many new impressions of my special looks and playing styles, there will also be new photos and videos here and if you are looking for completely different videos and photos that are perhaps even more extreme – you will also find the appropriate links there 🙂
Baking & cooking
I’ve already tried out a few new recipes in the run-up to Christmas and I’m looking forward to showing you the photos on my food blog – MyGermanBakery – in the coming weeks. Very different recipes – from healthy and easy to make, to special sweet moments… Just have a look there, because in the future there will also be baking videos with me…
Leather pants and coat as a fashion look
You may have already seen this look in the Christmas lights and fireworks post and it’s a combination I like to go for when the weather is more autumnal and there’s a chance of rain.
A warm wool coat, a nice big silk scarf, a classic blouse and leather trousers. A special handbag or clutch, high heels and leather gloves as eye-catchers…
Christmas and New Year’s Eve
I’ll be celebrating Christmas with family and friends in Europe and then I’ll be heading out into the wide world again for a few days and a little break at the turn of the year… – of course there will still be updates (especially on my VIP pages), but I’ll also be taking a little break.
That’s it for the first review of December … I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very special Christmas with your family and friends and all the best
Vanessa Pur